Toklas Blunthammer Character in Cordeca | World Anvil
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Toklas Blunthammer

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Black sheep of Blunthammer family, Toklas quickly found no aptitude for metal crafts. Tired of sweeping up scraps in his family workshop, Toklas eschewed a typical life of a dwarven smith and instead set out on his own at just 50 years old. Over the next few decades he tried his hand at a variety of jobs, though usually without much success or enjoyment. He passed his days in quiet mediocrity - working away his days and drinking away his nights.   On his 112th birthday Toklas was fired from his job as a bartender for his habitual incompetence, namely showing up late, dropping drinks, and taking an uncomfortably long time to shake hands. After being kicked out of the same bar a week later at the tail end of a drunken bender, Toklas stumbled his way through town before blacking out in the garden of the local temple of Chauntea.   That night, Toklas found his faith in what he calls “The Dream of the Ancient Wild” - a story which changes with every telling. Whether by happenstance or divine inspiration, Toklas discovered a talent for agriculture as soon as he converted.   Having re-kindled his relationship with his family, Toklas trades frequently with the dwarvern nations.


  • [296-346] Self-employed metalsmith
  • [346-408] Bartender, et al.
  • [408-551] Self-employed apothecary at Toklas' Toke More

Toklas' Toke More

  Following his conversion to being a follower of Chauntea, Toklas discovered a love of agriculture and homeopathic medicine. Toklas built a shop in the Merchant Quarter of Varkin called Toklas' Toke More, from which he sells medicinal plants and herbs for ailments and self-care.   Toklas has a single employee - Philip - who is almost always high-enough that he has difficulty remembering the name of the store exactly.

Intellectual Characteristics

A sweet old man Toklas rarely shows any anger, talking calmly though with a wandering mind. He walks with a limp which he swear goes away with a smoke of this signature “limpwurt limp away”.

Morality & Philosophy

Now 255 years old Toklas has enjoyed an unwavering faith in Chauntea. Toklas is an advocate for natural healing and runs his namesake shop “Toklas’ Toke More”, selling a variety of medicinal herbs with an even greater variety of effects.
Date of Birth
296-12-24 E4
Year of Birth
20296 255 Years old
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
3' 8"
Known Languages
Toklas can read, write, and speak: Cordecan Common, Dwarvish, and Undercommon.


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