Frost dragon scales Material in Continental | World Anvil
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Frost dragon scales

The scales of both lesser and greater Frost Dragons can be harvested when the creature is wounded or killed. These scales can be alloyed with metal in a 1:2 ratio. One adult greater frost dragon has about 3 tonnes of scales, for a lesser its 1.5 tonnes.


Material Characteristics

It appears to look like a giant bendy sheet of metal.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It is really cold to the touch, It needs to be heated by intense flame before it can be worked. After its worked it still feels cool, but not quite as cold as before.

Origin & Source

Frost dragons hide

History & Usage

Everyday use

Expensive and effective armor. It is only worn in ceremonial circumstances or by very accomplished warriors.


Needs to be heated in a forge before it can be worked.


Trade & Market

Mostly an export from The Knights' Stronghold.
600 filo per 500 lbs
Melting / Freezing Point
6,000 F
Related Species
Related Professions

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