The Boris Pinewood Geographic Location in Confluence | World Anvil

The Boris Pinewood

Image by Jan Mallander from Pixabay   On the far Air-Seaward side of Confluence lies the Boris Pinewood. This frozen forest is composed of ice and snow-covered coniferous trees.   No-one knows how they manage to live in an area permanently existing at temperatures significantly below zero; there is speculation that they are all actually dead, just that no-one has told them they need to lose their needles and fall over like decent dead trees.   The denizens of the Pinewood are as cold and savage as the landscape, created from nothing or flying onto land from the Airy Void. Those with sense avoid the place, unless they are the kind of extreme adventure-seeker who is happy to risk death in their quest for fame and fortune.
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)