United Nations Organization in Colossal Fossils | World Anvil
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United Nations (you-knight-ed nay-shins)

The United Nations is an international organization and coalition of various countries with the goal of facilitating world peace and being spokespersons for humanity and planet Earth  for the Conglomerate. It is the world's largest organization and is one of the leading authorities on extraterrestrial relations and kaiju.


The organization was founded after World War II with the goal of preventing future wars of such scale and destruction. Fifty nations met in San Francisco for a conference and set to work attempting to establish a more stable society and planet through humanitarianism, education, law, and economics. Tensions grew surmountable during the Cold War, and the United Nations found itself at odds with the tension between the United States and Soviet Union. Though relations still remain semi-tumultuous, the United Nations have become more open to collaboration after the various kaiju attacks of 2020 and the arrival of the Conglomerate.

Foreign Relations

Organizations such as UNESCO and the World Health Organization operate under U.N. authority as specialized agencies for awareness, preservation, and outreach for humanity and the environment. They are also highly involved with adjacent organizations like NATO and Majestic .

Relevant Members

Founding Date
July 26, 1945
Political, International
Alternative Names


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