Giladon Character in Colossal Fossils | World Anvil
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Giladon (hee-luh-don)


The kaiju is a giant bipedal gila monster with immensely clawed hands and an even more immense temper.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Giladon is an immense brute of a kaiju, powered by sheer vitrol and anger. It is strong and equipped with elongated bone claws capable of digging through even the toughest metal, ice, and rock.

Body Features

Most of its muscle mass is dedicated towards its arms, but the rest of its body also holds immense strength. Its back legs are incredibly muscular, as the creature has learned to take a bipedal stance as its claws hinder it from quadrupedalism.

Facial Features

A set of snaggled and sharp teeth sit in its maw, the kaiju capable of cleaving bone in half with its bites.

Special abilities

What's more is that it possesses potent venom. While not lethal to kaiju, it can induce vomiting, nausea, seizures, blurred vision, and unconsciousness. However, it is extremely dangerous to humans, regular wildlife, and cryptids. Like all other kaiju, Giladon also possesses an advanced healing factor, able to heal broken bones and damaged body parts that would be unsalvagable for normal animals. Its thick osteoderms and bulging muscles allow it to shrug off conventional human artillery and stand up to more unconventional mecha weaponry. Its regenerative healing abilities plus the advanced amniotic-addled DNA has made Giladon immortal, only killable via starvation or another kaiju.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Species description: Heloderma behemot
  • Biological basis: Helodermatid
  • Diet: Carnivorous
  For millions of years within the North American landscape did a Seed of Creation remain dormant, its shell untouched and compact. Shifting landmasses and earthquakes ended up splitting the seed open, the great amniotic fluid slipping out into the chamber far below. An ancient species of lizard - the modern ancestor to the Gila monster - was skulking about through some burrows after some mammals when the tunnel gave way. It fell into the chamber below and was absorbed by the amniotic fluid, managing to survive and evolve at an advanced rate.

Eons later would humans evolve, advance, and begin harvesting and stripping the Earth of its natural - and unnatural - resources. A span of land they began establishing on was called the Permian Basin, rich with a supply of underground petroleum. Oil fields and wells were constructed all across the land in order to harvest the fossil fuels for profit, ultimately contaminating the land around and beneath as well as polluting the air. Corporate interests pushed back and won against environmental safety and resulted in more oil fields being built, with one of them being right over the chamber where the kaiju inhabited. When they drilled too deep, they had awoken the beast and agitated it. The great kaiju destroyed the oil towers and spread immense wildfires that lasted weeks until it finally calmed down and returned to its underground chamber to hibernate. Majestic 12 was ordered to establish a base camp and study the creature beneath the surface. However, the slightest rumblings of construction could reawaken it and spread further chaos.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Its discovery and subsequent rampage did irreversible damage to the oil industry's reputation, worse than all the previous environmental disasters put together. Multiple companies lost the lobbying power and influence they held within the United States Supreme Court and even fell into bankruptcy. As a result, a new surge of environmentalist research and anti-oil push-back rose but not without its own issues. Billions of dollars worth of oil were lost to Giladon's presence, either destroyed by the fires caused or swallowed back up by the Earth. Because of its irritable presence, Texan expansionism and construction have plummeted, pushing the state and neighboring locations around it into a recession. The population experienced a mass exodus out of the state which only contributed to further socioeconomic issues. Even clean energy reserves such as wind and solar have struggled to gain traction because of how volatile it reacts to construction. Around the world did oil expansionism drop out of fear of unearthing more kaiju, forcing many countries to switch to more eco-friendly methods of energy production in order to stave off the growing worldwide recessions.

Intellectual Characteristics

Out of all the kaiju, Giladon possesses the least intelligence and is incredibly simple. It can be easily outwitted and manipulated, perfect for more ornate and articulate human strategies. However, the caveat is that it is hypertempermental, meaning it is quick to anger, quick to rage, and incredibly slow to calm. Giladon can rampage for days on end before it calms. It is fiercely territorial and hates most things, particularly the loud noises and bright lights created by human structures and settlements. When complacent, it will sleep in the underground chambers below.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

While it leaves massive destruction in its wake when provoked, its influence on the environment is profound. Its feces is high in protein - both natural and amniotic-addled - and benign nuclear isotopes that - after being absorbed by the soil and filtered into the water - cause immense population booms in the flora and fauna inhabiting its region. Flowering plants and trees will grow wildly, and animals experience high birth rates. Dust bowls and stretches of desert became green oases filled with vibrant plants and clean water bubbling to the surface from pockets opened up beneath the Earth from Giladon's burrowing. Gila monsters and other beaded lizards will inhabit the land above it en masse, breeding in high numbers because of its influence. The rarer heladermatids have been taken off the endangered species lists. Bison have also been migrating to areas where it had burrowed and have experienced a population boom. The meat industry experienced a sharp rise in Texas because of the influx of bison, with environmental balancing kept in check by Giladon's appetite.

Personality Quirks

Giladon is unique in that it is one of the few kaiju whose presence was not known prior to the modern age. This has made it incredibly difficult to deal with.

Gila monster kaiju of Texas.

View Character Profile
Current Status
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
Accidental exposure to great amniotic fluid
Permian Basin, Texas, United States, Earth
Current Residence
Permian Basin, Texas, United States, Earth
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black and orange scales


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