Citadel Maron Settlement in Collatus | World Anvil

Citadel Maron

Citadel Marón was designed to be the first line of defense should the realms of man ever try to impede on Dwarven territory. For this reason the surface city of Citadel Marón is guarded on its northern border by a towering mountain that holds the Forge district, and wrapped around its others 3 layered, Bronze walls fit with Gatlin guns and moats. Led by Lord MountainHäl Citadel Marón is currently in a state of martial law. Outsiders are not allowed in any parts of the undercity. All mining and underground travel has been fully cut off because of the Neothelid encroaching further into the city. On top of this, people are attempting to leave the city and desert in droves as their fellow guards, soldiers, family members, and friends are acting strangely. Random acts of violence plague the marketplaces and the Imperium doesn't know where to begin.


  • Mountain Dwarf
  • Hill Dwarf
  • Gnome
  • Human Traders


The rule of Citadel Marón is overseen by Clan Lord MountainHäl. He oversees the taxation of the clans and crafters in his city as well as commands the city's generals and captains. His taxes go straight to the Emporer and the City of Bronze.


  • 4 massive walls
  • Moats
  • Gatlin Guns
  • Towers
  • Drawbridges 

Industry & Trade


  • Troops and Mercenaries
  • Tamed animals
  • Precious metals and coal
  • Weapons and armor


  • Livestock
  • Plants and vegetation
  • Alcohol
  • Adamantine


  • Aqueduct 
  • Roads
  • Lifts
  • Courtyards 
  • Blast furnaces
  • Forges
  • Primitive steam energy
  • Mines 


The Upper City-  
  • The Walls- a strict set of military defenses where guards and soldiers are stationed 24 hours a day. Each area of the wall has new opportunity for outsiders to be stopped and searched. Getting into the Dwarf territories requires several permits and loads of paperwork and even then some outsiders may just be turned away. Fitted with Gatlin Guns and holds no businesses, only military infrastructure.
  • Little CrownLand- a series of popup shops and traders, mostly sponsored by the Caravaneers Guild in some respect. Ran by human traders, Hill Dwarves, and Gnomes, many criticize the existence of this trading camp as there is still much support there for King Tais.
  • The GreenHill District- built on an area that gets minimal snow throughout the year until winter arrives. Contains farms, homes of many of the city's Hill Dwarves, and a Meadwagon Brewing Co. And Inn
  • The SunGuild District- an area set aside for the various lesser Hill Dwarf and Gnome Guildhalls, as well as more important guilds like Clan Meadwagon, Clan Gnotthach, and Clan Marón

Under City-

  • The War Hall- Previously the only part of the undercity that allowed outsiders, this district is now a ghost town. Holds historical artifacts and records that are made public for sages to research
  • The Guilders District- holds a majority of the city's crafting and artisan guilds as well as the major guild halls for the city. This part of the city also contains many of the more permanent shops and institutions in the city
  • The Arms District- an area of the city containing the most guard barracks, military storage, and training facilities. This part of the city also contains the city's forges and Blacksmiths.
  • The DeepDig District- Holds most of the city's mines and industrial warehousing. Few people live here and very few guilds other than Clan DeepDig actually operate in this area. Recently the mines have been closed making this district fall into disrepair and become a haven for criminals.
  • The Bedding District- Holds the city's brothels, inns, taverns, and most of the Mountain Dwarves actual homes. 
  • The Moradin District- holds the noble family's homes and offices. Also contains the city's only temple, a well funded temple to Moradin the All-Father in the shape of the God himself in a combat position with a sword and shield. This temple also acts as the last of the Dwarf Collosus war-machines.


  • Vast stores of Bronze armor and weapons
  • Large amounts of food and alcohol
  • Mitral equiptment

Guilds and Factions

  • Clan Gnottach- Craftsman and inventors
  • Clan Aereum- Politicians and military leaders
  • Clan MountainHäl-Soldiers and Mercenaries
  • Clan Brécair- Brewers, tavernmasters, and merchants
  • Clan Marón- engineers and farmers
  • Clan MeadWagon- Brewers and tavernmasters
  • Clan DeepDig- Miners and explorers
  • The Caravaneers Guild
  • The Road


  • Created by Clan Marón before Clan Gnotthach came and forced them to join the Imperium 
  • The Dwarven Standstill was a millenia  long defense against Gal'Galed's forces that marked the exclusion of elven folk from all Dwarven territory
  • The Crown's Reaping was the only attack in the city's history to break their walls, and The Crown burned crops and slaughtered livestock before being forced out once more. 
  • Clan MountainHäl taking control of the city from Clan Marón

Points of interest

  • The Temple of the All-Father
  • The Mithral Mine
  • The Walls
  • The Brécair Brewery
  • The Meadwagon Brewery


  • Many non-dwarves come here to see the edge of their lands, as it is the furthest many will ever get to the Dwarven territories.
  • The Collosus that the Temple of the All-Father js built within draws dwarves from all over the north


Most everything is made from Bronze or other precious metal that other civilizations couldn't afford to use in construction, but these resources are plentiful in the dwarves lands.


Built in the frozen north, but far enough south that snow is minimal until the fall and winter seasons.
Founding Date
67th of Highsun; Year 5 of the Age of Bronze
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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