Nymryrriel Character in Cold Iron Forests | World Anvil
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Lady (a.k.a. The Gifted)

According to Nymryrriel, she hails from more than 400 years in the future. She used her amazing powers to return years before disaster struck her kin and lands once more.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Nymryrriel is a tall and powerful dragon with dark purple scales, marked by numerous golden glyphs. She has a queenly behavior, standing tall and proud, taking much of the space in a room. She's agile and calculated, her body and wings elongated.

Body Features

Dark purple scales, numerous dark and long horns, etherial wings, golden eyes and glyphs

Facial Features

Golden eyes, long horn pointed to the pack of her head

Identifying Characteristics

Golden glyphs covering her scales

Physical quirks

Queenly demeanor, strong posture

Special abilities

She has the ability to travel through time, cast numerous spells, compel several types of beings into listening to her

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nymryrriel was, according to her, born in one year. She lived well over 200 years in her future before returning in the past to prevent a catastrophe that would overrun all of Iobaria. She claims that this problem that she has come to solve would eventually affect the whole world. During her time in the past, she secured a strong position among the humans and dragons in the region, settings the wheels in motion for her plan to unfold.


She serves as the head of the Council of Timeless Dawn and has strong ties with the various human lords.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She has managed to bring together humans and dragons.

Failures & Embarrassments

Where she's from, she has seen humans, drakhen, jotun, and what remained of dragons die without her being able to do anything.

Mental Trauma

She often spaces out, her mind lost between timelines

Intellectual Characteristics

She is motherly: Smart, calculating, loving, but sometimes haughty.


She refuses to eat humans or drakhen, convinced that their survival depend on them.

Personality Characteristics


Wants to prevent the Invasion she has seen in her timeline to come to pass.

Wealth & Financial state

She is quite wealthy, being a hoarder of treasures but also knowing how to play the game of trades and politics. The Isle is rather lavish, as she prefers spending her days surrounded by pretty things. She also has numerous henchmen she can use or dispose of as needed, although she always tries to find another way to do things.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
4712 7 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born in a future ravaged by an unspeakable plague
Circumstances of Death
In her timeline, she mysteriously vanished
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark purple with golden glyphs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Taldan, Iobarian, Hallit, Draconic, Infernal, Sylvan

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