The Askaria Free Radio Network Building Building / Landmark in Colarn | World Anvil

The Askaria Free Radio Network Building

The Askaria Freed Radio Network Building is a massive building in the Sky District of the capital city of Askar. Standing over 20 stories high above the elevated roads of the district, it has a mass of antenna all over the roof and sides of the building. Within the structure are the offices of over 30 radio networks that play everything from music to news to talk radio. These networks transmit all over Askaria and for some in the more rural areas, the only real source of information they have in what is going on in the wider nation. The networks are funded by grants from the government. This initiative was pushed through Parliament by King Bartholomew Maxwell due to his belief that an educated and informed populace is a happy populace. He believed that access to current events and open discussion is how Askaria will grow as a nation. Though the grants are given by the government, the networks are not controlled by the government. King Maxwell had no wish for the radio networks to be used for propaganda and knew that future kings may be tempted to do so. He has attempted to put language in the laws to keep that from happening but has met strong resistance from Parliament so far. Some popular shows are Real Conversing with Giles Hornby, Cooking with Dame Ella Fanniworth, Town Crier News, Skarabe Clicks and Buzzes, Wild Nathanials Adventures and Classics from another world with Sir Edmund Burbank. Burbank’s program is especially unique as it plays music that was originally composed on the Askarian’s original home world of Saterian. With the opening of normalized diplomatic relations with the rest of Colarn, there have been proposals for at least one new show called Ask Valichar. Valichar is a cleric of the god of knowledge, Bolimar and a kobold, which none of the Askarians have ever seen. It is the King’s hope that a different, yet friendly and knowledgeable voice can help answer any questions that the Askarian people may have and help them to not be afraid of the new ethnicities that will be coming to their young nation.
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