Midden Tubeworm Wrangler
Midden Tubeworm Wranglers are considered to have one of the most disgusting and dirty professions in Colarn. Despite the name, Midden Tubers, as they are called, aren’t only found in middens and they are not just parasites passed through a creature’s system to be expelled later. They live underground and burrow up from under the earth to feed off decay such as feces, rot and dead plants and animals.
Midden Tubers are used in a variety of ways including as spell component and potion ingredients. Wizards and healers pay well for live Tubers and even for specific varieties of them. Red Tubers are especially good for certain divination spells and very large, Green Tubers make excellent antitoxins. There is a black market for farmed Tubers, but farm raised Tubers are inferior in quality to worms found naturally.
In order to find the best Tubers, one has to literally get their hands very dirty. Midden heaps are actually very good places to find valuable Tubers, but one must get very deep into the feces for the finest and plumpest specimens. Old midden heaps in major cities are the best places to find them. The more people expelling their bowels and the older the city, the better as the worms tend to like places that see constant bowel use.
Gong farmers, the people paid to shovel out the middens and cesspits are the ones that bring most Midden Tubers to market, but the most valuable specimens aren’t found in cities. The most lucrative Midden Tuber Wrangling is done in the wilds. Certain species can only be found in the feces and decay of certain animals and monsters. The worms found in dragon feces is by far the most valuable , but it is also the most dangerous to obtain and a single specimen can fetch more gold than a normal wrangler can get in a lifetime of harvesting.