Earthspeak Language in Colarn | World Anvil


Earthspeak is a special language “spoken” by subterranean races. Just like it is on the surface, there are entire civilizations underground and this language is a type of universal method of communication for them. The Mulder or Mole people are the best known by surface dwellers to use this language. Though they can’t “speak” to subterranean creatures or animals in this way, they can communicate emotions and intentions. Earthspeak uses vibrations that travel through earth and stone to communicate with others. Mulder can coordinate their burrowing efforts by sending messages to each other via the earth, even if they aren’t in visual or audio range. This is the normal language of Mulder that they use when communicating with each other, but when the race was awakened, the process enabled them to use vocal cords, so they can use the verbal languages of the surface world. Some other races have attempted to artificially produce the language, but with limited success. Some spells can be used to understand it, but correctly speaking it back has been a challenge. A group of subterranean gnomes have attempted to recreate the vibrations by attempting to gyrate wildly to create their own vibrations in an effort to facilitate communication. The attempt only confused and somewhat amused the Mulder, much to the disappointment of the gnomes. It was more disappointing to them when they found out that the Mulder could orally speak when they asked them in the Yuanto language if the gnomes needed medical attention. Surprisingly, it has been discovered that some members of especially deep subterranean goblin tribes have been able to use Earthspeak successfully. Scholars have yet to discover how they are able to do so, but that may be due to how difficult it is to get to these goblin tribes to study them. It is hypothesized that it may have to do with their belief system as they worship earth spirits instead of the normal malevolent goblin deities and perhaps these spirts give them this strange ability.


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