Godzilla Character in Cohelia | World Anvil


King of the Monsters

Once, Godzilla was but a small Gorilla Whale living happily with his family. When one day the gods battled and destroyed everything he knew. His entire family was destroyed, leaving only him. The gods fighting near his home causing him to absorb to strength of their power as they clashed. Causing Godzilla to grow in size and power, until he trumped those who had ended his happy life.   In a fight that lasted 7 years, Godzilla fought the gods nonstop who had once been fighting each other, and in the end was victorious. The gods Godzilla slew only added to his power, the realm he had fought them in now nought but a single island drifting in the realms betwixt. Godzilla would become king of this island, known from then on only as Monster Island.   Godzilla became the King of Monsters that day, and all other monsters would respect his power, rule and authority. Easy to anger if disrespected and commanding complete power over the other savage beasts of the island, those who challenge Godzilla oft get put in their place.

Divine Domains

Scalykind, Destruction, Radiation, Strength

Holy Books & Codes

Favored Animal: Lizard   Favored Weapon: Chain, spiked

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An immensely spiked monster tooth, glowing with radiation.

Tenets of Faith

Accept no defeat   Never surrender   Demand respect   Avenge those who have wronged you


King of Beasts day: A day where beastly races in the land offer tribute to Godzilla in some way shape or form.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Amphibious lifestyle   Atomic breath   Durability   Bite   Tail
Divine Classification
True Neutral
121.92 meters
20,000 metric tons


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