Explorer's Guild Organization in Cogs and Magic | World Anvil

Explorer's Guild

Across the unchartered territories there are ancient ruins , mysterious forests, unexplored caves, and foreign civilisations. Vast expanses of untamed wilds hold the remnants of ancient societies long forgotten. The newly discovered continents with a map that remains incomplete holds wonders unseen in the history of the known world inhabitants.   Adventurers were being hired by to procure treasures, clean out monsters, protect teams of archeologists, map new areas, discover new travel routes, investigate rumors, find new life, or simply to see what might be happening in a place uncharted and report back. The patrons for these quests included everyone from potion shop owners in need of ingredients from a dark marsh to federal governments in need of mercenary explorer. But for every ten adventurers hired, five might die, run away with the paycheck or treasure, seize an operation for their own, or muck up their patron’s desired result.   Groups of seasoned adventurers were watching work slip through their fingers to cheaper, less-experienced greenhorns and they decided to do something about it. These groups formed The Explorers’ Guild and advertised themselves as the best and most reliable mercenaries for hire. The popularity of this group grew and today members of The Explorers’ Guild are made up of all types of adventurer. The Guild can be found in almost every port city and town.   Members of the Explorer's Guild proudly wear a membership badge. A badge that might give a discount at various stores, inns and other places of business. Low level members have a bronze badge, experienced members have a silver badge, while the leadership have gold badges.

Public Agenda

While the Explorer's Guild's charter proclaims that the guild's main goal is to explore the unchartered territories, everybody knows that their actual main goal is to find riches, treasures, goods and any other ting that is profitable.


At first the Explorer's Guild had only what the members could afford, but after their first expedition to the unchartered territories where they found a grand treasure, they managed to build quite a nice organization. Today they have chapters in most port cities across the known world, a few strongholds on the coast of the unchartered territories, guild- and warehouses, their own bank, a fleet of ships, several merchants and a few auction houses to sell their spoils, and a couple of schools where they train the up-and-coming adventurers who wants to go explore.


Founded in 1850 by adventurers who wanted to join The Golden Horde but wasn't accepted.
Founding Date
Guild, Adventuring
Leader Title
Notable Members

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