Site 13-7
Site 13-7. The initial landing point for the "colonization" of this planet. Despite it's dusty, dreary surface this planet is almost entirely made of precious materials - estimated at 70% of it's total structure is usable material! That, combined with the fact that it appears to have no dynamo to speak of (and yet, no surface radiation) makes it almost entirely obtainable, too!
After it was left abandoned following The Scream, uncountable volumes of lives lost to starvation, there was nobody left to lay claim. That was, until Pan-Global Industries took over. After it's appraisal, P.G.I. immediately set up a mining station around it's marker point. Of all valuable points on the planet, 13-7 (Area 13, Measurement 7) was considered to be the ideal starting area - masses upon masses of resources surrounding the area, but with a fairly useless section to build the initial settlement on.
From there, it expanded at an unprecedented rate. A small area of it's dusty surface was terraformed over, providing the planet with it's own way to generate food locally. Thousands upon thousand were brought to the world, it's population skyrocketed - alongside PGI's stock share. In only a few years, it became the perfect place to acquire materials for any purpose.
The vast majority of this outpost's inhabitants work in the mining industry; while there are many who run the city itself the planet's sole focus on extreme mining leads to unfathomably large sub-corporations and groups, all working to mine this expansive planet. By being planet-side and working for the mines you are almost definitely a member of the planet's owner company, Pan-Global Industries.
This City, nay, planet, are all owned by one megacorporation; Pan-Global Industries . While there autonomous groups beneath this, these are all invariably pawns of the company's goals. Everything that happens on this planet is dictated by them. If you disagree with this, you will either keep your mouth shut and work for your money, or you will quit - and be shipped off-world back to the Majorus Station.
As one of the most essential planets in the entire Codai sector, it is guarded over by a Capital Fleet of ships. It is practically impossible to assault this world, or even pass through with cruel intent.
From this settlement's core branches out across the entire surface of the planet, visible from Space as a mechanical dot on the pale, dusty surface, with tendrils reaching from pole to pole, and sub-branches even dip into the ground, gripping the surface. Each of these branches is loaded with conveyors, sorters, and packing equipment - allowing maximal efficiency at storing produce. They also contain rapid transit tubes, allowing employees to stay off-site if need be.
The city itself is an eyesore built almost solely for functionality, rather than appeal. If something is required by a citizen, it is delivered by drone upon delivery request. The system is exceedingly efficient, but means many employees on the world have little exposure to the outside world. It is possible to access the Rapid Transit System from every single building, and so it is possible for some employees to never even see the light of day beyond their windows.
In a word; Resources. You name a geological mineral or metal, this planet has it. These are deliberately not processed on-site, but left for purchasers to use as they will.
After The Scream, the world that had previously been a mining haven was immediately halted. No food meant no workers, and there were only enough reserves for about 5 years. Civil War broke loose; the system's Jump Gate was in a low orbit, but even if they could get up there it was inaccessible - there were no psychics here.
After a nuclear device was detonated in the primary staging area, destroying all remaining space infrastructure and killing almost everyone on the planet, the remaining population is believed to have killed themselves to avoid starvation.
After the planet went quiet, and it's lack of power being beamed back to the Jump Gate shut down it's station keeping protocol. A small asteroid impacted the ring, moving it close to the planet - which it had already been careering towards. Remants of the gate would go on to be harvested and utilized for their Psitech components - at least, those that survived.
Brutalism does not begin to describe this. As there is little incentive to see the outside world, the planet's buildings are giant cubes or rectangles, many windowless and simply a grey colouration.
The land here, and across the majority of the planet, is remarkably flat - there was previously a large mountain nearby (originally called "Mt. Argentina"), however all that remains there is a simple plaque to it's troves held within.
Alternative Name(s)
Landing, Raa's Eye,
1 Million
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
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