Old Man of the Forest Species in City of Ten Thousand Daggers | World Anvil

Old Man of the Forest

When newcomers ask why a portion of the Trollslayer Wood remains standing inside the city walls, they'll learn that the woods have been left intact by the Horse Lords who control the land by ancient treaty. When they ask why such a large area of the woods outside the city walls has been left in its natural state and not cleared for farming or settlement, they'll be told how every attempt to encroach upon the woods has ended in accidents, death, and tragedy at the hands of the Old Man of Trollslayer Wood, a supernatural being who considers most of the remaining forest outside of the walls to be under its protection.

Basic Information


Old Men of the Forest are large four-legged creatures with powerful bodies resembling a predatory large cat. Their shaggy manes and long beards help complete the initial impression of a massive male lion with two enormous horns protruding from its head. The main departure from the general felid appearance--aside from the horns, of course--is the face, which is a mix of animal and man. There's an intelligence and wisdom to their eyes that combines with their long beards and wrinkle-like facial ridges to make their faces resemble feral old men.

Genetics and Reproduction

Old Men are supernatural creatures who manifest to serve as protectors of the forests they inhabit. The exact conditions that lead to an Old Man appearing in a particular area are unknown.

Growth Rate & Stages

Old Men of the Forest are believed to be fully mature when they first manifest and do not seem to suffer any degenerative effects from aging. They do, however, often exhibit battle scars.

Ecology and Habitats

Old Men of the Forest appear in ancient forests. Although they are often associated with the entire forest they inhabit, the territory they protect appears to be smaller. The Old Man of Trollslayer Wood, for example, allowed most of the forest it inhabits to be destroyed, only interfering with humanity's plans when they came after the area that remains standing today.  There are also stories of multiple Old Men inhabiting some particularly large forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Old Men are known to hunt and eat meat, but it's unknown whether they have any biological need to do so.

Biological Cycle

Old Men of the Forest are supernatural creatures who exist outside of the biological cycle, but their well-being may be connected to the well-being of their territory. There are stories of Old Men appearing weakened or sickly when their domains have suffered drought, fires, plant diseases, or other disasters.


Beyond their mission to protect their area of the forest, little is understood about the motivations or agendas of these creatures. There are stories of them viciously attacking humans who trespass into their territories, but there are also stories of them assisting visitors who've gotten lost or injured in their woods. It's possible that they are able to somehow sense the intentions of those within their domain and respond accordingly.

Additional Information

Social Structure


Average Intelligence

Old Men of the Forest are clearly more intelligent than common beasts, but stories vary as to exactly how intelligent they are. Sometimes they are presented as having the intelligence of a very smart animals, while other stories claim that they are capable of complex telepathic communication or even human speech.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

In addition to enjoying the heightened senses of an apex predator, Old Men are supernaturally linked to their territory. They have the ability to telepathically communicate with the plants and animals who live there, and they immediately sense when a stranger crosses into their domain. For purposes of this ability, strangers include creatures types not native to the area and any intelligent being who does not live within or regularly traverse the territory.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Humans typically refer to Old Men by the name of the forest they inhabit ("The Old Man of Trollslayer Wood," for example).
Average Height
5' at shoulders
Average Weight
1200 lbs
Average Length
8' (not counting tail)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Old Men are usually tan or brown, but other colors have been reported. Some have stripes, spots or other markings as well.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: Main Header Banner City of Ten Thousand Daggers by Steve Johnson


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