Durvan (Demon)


"See those big ones, all teeth and muscle and the color of a nasty bruise? Those are durvan, and if you're serious about this line of work you'll cut your teeth on those things. They're easy to summon, not terribly bright, and easy to control as long as you keep them fed, so most diabolist keep a few of them around as bodyguards and thugs. If you can convince them to put on a long robe and gloves and keep their faces hidden, they'll pass for human as long as nobody looks too close. To the Enemy, those are all positives. On our side of the equation, the best thing about durvan is that they don't have any tricks up their sleeve: no magic, no special weapons needed to kill them, and a battle plan that boils down to 'hit it 'til it stops moving, then eat it.' They're tough as the pork chops at The Pierced Kidney, but if you hit 'em and cut 'em long enough, they eventually go down."
--Olsa Demonbane, Order of Wanylczig Vanquisher

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Durvan are carnivorous and prefer human flesh to most other meats.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Very little is known about how durvans behave on their home plane. When multiple durvan gather together on our world, they seem to naturally arrange themselves into a clear hierarchy based on strength and fighting ability.


Because they are strong-bodied and weak-minded, durvan are often used as bodyguards, footsoldiers, and menial laborers by the wizards who summon them.

Facial characteristics

Durvan have solid black eyes like many other types of demons and their mouths are full of sharp, pointed teeth. Other than eyebrows, durvan do not seem to grow hair on their faces or heads.

Average Intelligence

Durvan are intelligent creatures, but a typical example of the species is only as smart as a slightly below average human. Whether this is due to a limited intellectual capacity or simply a lack of curiosity about anything that doesn't directly lead to food, mating, or violence isn't known.
Durvan by Steve Johnson
Average Physique
Durvan are generally between 5.5 and 6.5 feet tall and are extremely powerfully built with thick muscles and wide shoulders.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Durvan skin ranges from red to purple in tint and is often splotchy, giving them the appearance of being covered in bruises. Their skin is extremely tough and leathery enough to act as natural armor.

Cover image: Main Header Banner City of Ten Thousand Daggers by Steve Johnson


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