The Pyramid Building / Landmark in City of Dreamers | World Anvil

The Pyramid

The master traveler often visited the South Gate Pyramid. In his opinion, the pyramid is the most important building in the city. Constructed with receptors on all three sides, it processes human dreams and premonitions, combining them into an elaborate mirage that is the city. For this reason, the city is constantly changing as new structures from futuristic times, other universes, and the past may manifest at any place in the city.   Inside the pyramid are hundreds of chambers. The master traveler has visited them all. Each chamber contains specific dream energies filtered into containers. The master traveler searched the chambers and acquired most of his knowledge about the city. He further developed his skills, which allowed him to reach higher levels in the pyramid. Soon, he acquired hidden knowledge and the ultimate sacred vision stone.   In one chamber, he found the sypher that broke a code written in the fire language. Breaking the code was vital for him to free Irmana, a djinni trapped in a cage and tortured daily by Saudadis. Another chamber revealed metaphysical methods for the master traveler to acquire materialization power. He only needs to hold out a hand, visualize the weapon he has hidden away, and it will materialize in his hand.   He learned brief histories and psychological evaluations of souls and djinn. Such information supplied the master traveler with motivational information he found helpful in convincing or bribe others. In one chamber, he found sands of formation.   Access to the chambers is limited. The Nenu djinni, Rosho used spells and enchantments to block some entrances to prevent anyone from acquiring the master traveler’s knowledge. “No one should know it all,” says Rosho. His enchantments may create illusions or the summation of a dangerous hinn like a fakyu to appear and battle a traveler for access. A skilled traveler will identify the enchantments, break them, and defeat the hinn guardians.


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