Tangi's Coffee Shop Building / Landmark in City of Dreamers | World Anvil

Tangi's Coffee Shop

Tangi’s Coffee Shop is not a coffee shop at all. On the face of the building, it resembles a place where souls may frequent to socialize and relax. The widows are black, the walls are dark, and the glass doors look inviting. However, when a traveler touches the doors, they open to the mouth of the Tangi’s portal.   The portal zaps the traveler from the east side of the city to the Road of Despond, which is outside of the city and into a potentially dangerous place in the astral world. Exiting the portal, one will see a black wooden door; once through it, the traveler will stand outside Brikon Bank. Remembering the bank if one needs to return to the City of Dreamers quickly is good.
Beware of the Saudadi djinn when reaching the Road of Despond. The sad music played by violins will sink one into depression – stymying the traveler by removing all desire to leave. Rather than leaving, the traveler will walk the road toward the factory with hundreds of other souls.


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