Lalocs Ethnicity in City of Dreamers | World Anvil


Lalocs are fascinating and mysterious creatures in the Devachanic World. They were the first to evolve from the blazing rivers of this world, and they quickly established themselves as powerful and intelligent beings. With multiple limbs and a higher intellect than the Agnis, they had many advantages over their counterparts, including complex language, adaptability to the environment, and higher intelligence.   Despite their many strengths, Lalocs had short lives due to overexposure to the energy in their environment. To survive, they created a unique method of sexual reproduction by spawning in the fiery rivers and projecting spores into the cosmic winds. The offspring that resulted from this process were better adapted to the environment than Lalocs and Agnis, and they became the parent race to Janns, Shaitans, Nenus, and Asuras.   During the Time Crystal Wars, Lalocs and Agnis fought bitterly, dividing the other races forcing them to fight. Their tyranny sparked the Great Migration.

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