Butakah Organization in City of Dreamers | World Anvil


The Butakah Order is a shadowy organization that blends in with the masses. They are not what they seem. They appear to be lowly farmers or merchants. But beneath their humble disguises, they are fanatical warriors and mystics. They are always vigilant, always waiting for the sign – the sign that heralds the end of the multiverse. Butakah are the secret guardians of the balance, and the only ones who can prevent the ultimate cataclysm.   But most people are unaware of their existence, or dismiss them as a legend, a fabrication of the paranoid. They say the Butakah are the harbingers of doom, not the saviors.   Such dismissive humans do not know the ancient history of the world, when it was called Aradunya. They do not know how it was shattered by the wars of the Atlanteans and Lemurians, whose inventions threatened the whole multiverse. They are ignorant of how the angels intervened and obliterated it, restoring the balance of the multiverse. The Butakah know, for they have inherited the myths and the secrets. They know they must uphold the balance, or face the wrath of the angels. They know their critics are wrong, for they have seen the signs. They are the Butakah, and they are real.
Guild, Mages


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