Pikotori Species in Cirke | World Anvil
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Pikotori- Penguin folk, head of a penguin but larger, with a long break and small beady black eyes. Able to withstand extreme colds and excellent at fishing. Their diet consists of fish, seaweed & other oceanic plants, and alcohol. These people lay eggs. They might nest, but males have a sort of egg pouch developed on their abdomen to carry the egg. Skin is black, feathers are also black or white. Some tribes have yellow or orange eyebrows.
  These people usually live in wooden homes or carved out ice-buildings.
  Women are the hunter gatherers while the men care for the young in this society.
  Fingers fit tightly together like a fin almost.
  Speak normally
  Can live in higher temps but prefer the cold.
  Pikotori will usually have one egg at a time, and carry that egg for its entire gestation period. Inconvenient? Probably. I’d say the gestation time is approximately 4 months, but after the egg has hatched the offspring will be very small and require a lot of care and protection from predatory birds in the area. (Couple mates, egg is fertilized and delivered, male incubates for 4 months)
  (Is is a bit of a thing for baby Pikotori at the border to get sniped by Fukibi? More likely than you think. But because relations are good between their countries, this doesn’t lead to deaths 9/10 times.)
  Pikotori usually work on the ocean, fishing and trading on the seas. Almost exclusively female workforce, with very few men helping. And this is almost entirely young men who have yet to find a mate. The men of the society stay home and care for the young.
  Building a home together is a sort of rite of passage for young couples. A good solid home will protect their family for years to come.
  They do not slide around like some might think, but instead walk on two legs. They are very typically human. Cannot fly. Can they slide if they decided to strip and flop around? Certainly. Do they choose to do so? No, you’d be stared at and asked if you had gone off your rocker, or had some bad fish.


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