Kalpa Species in Cirke | World Anvil
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Kalpa- humanoids that have chameleon like ability to blend into their surroundings. Most can use magic, and are particularly good at making themselves invisible with it- much to the grief of their parents when they first discover it. (Perhaps because they all have this ability, they can also see that which is invisible, or at least others of their kind that are.) They are lean bodied people with knobby knees and finger joints. Their skin is smooth, covered in fine scales. These people come in a variety of bright colors from greens to purples to pinks and blues. The vibrance of their color is in direct relation to their health and emotional state at any given time, but the second can be taught to control. When in a highly emotional state they tend to phase into different colors, for example- red when angry, blue/purple when sad, putrid green when envious, pink when embarrassed etc. It is probably seen as a sign of maturity to be in control of your color. When in a state of inebriation or any sort of 'high', their scale colors will change at a much more rapid pace and their moods can swing quickly when in this state.
  Make really good assassins and body guards. Because of their sneaky aptitudes, a lot of people see them as a race of thieves, even if that is the farthest from the truth for many of them.
  Kalpa are typical human height, with normal human features. At first glance you wouldn’t be able to tell them from a normal human outside a little color difference in the skin, and perhaps a bit flatter in the nose. They can use their eyes independently of one another, but many prefer not to. Their blood runs a little cooler than other races, with a slower heartbeat.
  Gestation is a year-long cycle, one offspring. They do not have multiples, their bodies are incapable of carrying them.
  During pregnancy it is common for a female Kalpa’s scales to darken and change color. They may shift back afterwards, but will never be quite the same as before.
  Upon death, Kalpa are brought to their family, prayed over, and returned to Ukalie’s waters. Kalpa will return to dust upon death, their body collapsing into nothing-ness. Kalpa that wish to keep memories of their ancestors keep a memorial in their homes, and sometimes commission artists to create their likeness. (It would be senseless to keep a headstone when there is no body.)
  As a Kalpa it is considered very sad to die alone, as you will return to dust that way... alone. Because of this, when a Kalpa is close to death, their friends and family will gather with them, to be there during their passing.
  Monagamous culture.
  Because the Kalpa occupy Larkesh, which is almost entirely known for their forestry efforts and minimal sea presence-they aren’t always suited to work there. (Thus Gruntora help fill the labor need, but they are treated well here).
  Kalpa that don’t choose to stay in the country either constantly travel, or find a place in the world they like, and stay there.
  There is some mistrust of their people, so finding a place that accepts them is harder than one might think. Many find they can be skilled with small tools and even well-suited for other careers, even if this is not what the world thinks of them.


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