Akha Organization in Cirke | World Anvil
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Akha (Ah-KAH)

Akha Government: Despotate   Capital:   Main culture: Perdikai + Gruntora   67 cities, covering 293k mi^2   Population 4.3 M   Primarily inhabited by Gruntoran people, and controlled in culture and politically by the Perdikai. These are the bad guys.   After the war between them and Idola that they ‘lost’ (more like strategic retreat before they could be completely killed), the country fell into a strange state. Most people didn’t know what to do now that they’d lost, but a lot of Gruntora have left the region to return to Idola or go wherever else they can find work. They’ve been left with a smaller population (is there a way to edit this? It still says they have the highest populous of the world :thinking:… Anyway, the country is stull run by this tiny group of Black Widow Perdikai. Before the last war even began, the Perdikai were starting to make real advances in blood contract magic, and the rest of the world was starting to get scared, especially when they used it to make slaves.. The Perd. People are highly magically inclined, which makes using amulets very easy for them, and they were thus seen as a threat. Some think the war between them was staged. An attack near the border where a small town was burned completely to the ground was supposedly the spark to light the fire. A reason for Idola to attack. The Ahkans were said to have started it but… there is no evidence of this fact. Twas more of aa xenophobic genocide than anything. Idola thought to themselves “You spider people are dangerous, a threat to the safety of the planet and you look that way too, so we’re gunna kill ya.”Everyone assumes the spider people are all dead and Idola won. (They did.) However, Their genocidal goals were not successful.   Places of Interest: (north to south of country)   Cornorum- silver mining town.   Rhevos county cotton fields   Boru Pol- smith   Scatagusta- silver mining town.   Contevia County- battlefield during the Idola/Akha war.   Collete’s- small inn near the hotspring in Rhevos County.   ^ aforementioned hot springs. Non-named.   Lark’s Spring- a tavern at the side of the Krimin River.   Battlefield at the Carle/Akha border. Marks a scuffle between the two countries because Carle doesn’t want to lose any more territory.   Moshand Malkain Library- used to belong to Maha, and they’re salty about it.   Rirteri County- battlefield. Marks a territory takeover between Carle and Akha.   The Black Widow- A rather large and famous roadside inn. It serves as a front for shadier deals and talks between gov’t officials.   Several other battlefields either rfrom their conflict with Idola or during the Continental war.   Slakker Den- The one tavern for a radius of 100 miles. A sort of oasis in the middle of the desert at Cathu if you will.   Iranara County- oil field   Malkain Library- purposely built in the middle of the desert so others would have a hard time finding it.   Rakel’s Tavern- an establishment built in the capital of Sishar.   -------   Worldbuilding:   In the city of Sashir there resides a faction called the Day Walkers—a mostly Leonin group whom has taken over the city almost entirely. They ‘run’.... (waiting on me to write the rest in here from the campaign documents)
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Official State Religion
Official Languages


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