Sofia Morales Character in Cielo Vista | World Anvil
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Sofia Morales

Cielo Vista Arc

A childhood friend to Jensen and his closest confidant who serves as the moral support for his goals. She is a Light Fae who works at the homeless shelter Sanctuary. It has been hinted that she is estranged from her family and sees Jenson and Marcus as her surrogate family. She often stops by to check on Marcus when Jenson is busy with his job or crusade. Sofia also provides what technical support she can for Jenson as she is a bit more well off than the Jace family. Sofia was the one to let Jenson know that Under Fae were disappearing both at the Sanctuary and the Meadows by introducing him to Nunya. When Jenson began trying to find the Underground Fighting Ring, Sofia and Nunya went to investigate a possible lead for him down at the wharf. Unfortunately, they were discovered by the thugs there and Nunya was captured while Sofia was able to run away only to end up shoved into the river. Jenson and Geartrude were able to rescue her from drowning before she lost her grip. Jenson took her to a local clinic run by Doctor McCoy where he got her to promise to not go off without him again. Sofia continued to be the emotional and moral support for Jenson until he was forcefully transported to another plane.

Unusual Acquisitions

Jenson had a dream about Sofia trying to reach him on the phone and tried to make contact with her. It is still unclear if that was merely a dream or a vision. When the party got back to the Material Plane, Jenson discovered that Sofia had become the director for Sanctuary. Sofia caught Jenson up on everything she knew about his father and gave him the photo album containing pictures of the young Jace family.

Mental characteristics


Social/Economic Status: Poor
Employment: Director at Sanctuary

Personality Characteristics


Core Values: Help those in need



Voice: Playful but firm
Current Location
Year of Birth
1992 31 Years old
Big dark brown eyes that occasionally flash yellow
Long curly brunette hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
125 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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