Salus Character in Cielo Vista | World Anvil
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Cielo Vista Arc

The leader and protectoress of Asphodel Meadows. Jenson and Geartrude first encountered Salus when they heard about some Under Fae gone missing. With her blessing and Maggie’s assistance, the two found Jaime and rescued as many of the Under Fae as they could. She has been a source of information and comfort for the party especially Geartrude as she attempts to explore her family history and powers. She is very generous with her time and skill if it does not infringe on the safety of those in her care. She has lived so long that she does not have a good recollection of her own life and only has journals dating back to the 1600s (the ones before that were burned in the Great London Fire).  

Unusual Aquisitions

Salus did appear in a few visions and seemed to be the most cognizant of the dreamer's presence during such times. The one time she was markedly not so was during the vision of the raid where she was being literally supported by Maggie.
She was very pleased to see the party again, despite the late hour, and ushered them into her tent to talk. During the conversation, Salus confided in the party that she is technically a goddess but that she had foresaken that title a long time ago. Geartrude had a very strong negitive reaction to hearing this news, so Salus has been giving the party space.
Although she is arguably one of the most powerful beings in the Meadows, Salus has grown considerably weaker over the years (as is evident in how much she has aged in a short amount of time). According to a conversation Guthug overheard, it may have to do with how much the people around her believe in her. Ssustluss has spent the time that the party has been gone gathering support and spreading discontent amoung the people of the Meadows.

Mental characteristics


Social/Economic Status: Wretched
Employment: Unemployment

Personality Characteristics


Core Values: Protect the people of the Meadows



Voice: Slow and low
Current Location
Golden brown
Long white waves
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered tan
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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