Rotten Sally Greenteeth Character in Cielo Vista | World Anvil
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Rotten Sally Greenteeth

Cielo Vista Arc

In order to get an extension on her trial date, Pumpkin Harte agreed to take on a mission for Police Captain Urrakir to end bargains taking place near the water. Jaime encountered Senlyn who told him about how she could not marry her beloved without a signet ring that she traded in a bargain. In exchange for a promise to retrieve the ring, Senlyn told Jaime to go to a pawn shop named Trades and Treasures to find the Bay Witch who was making bargains.
After some high jinx where Jaime bought an awakened fern and "hurtful worm," the party discovered that the back of the shop had a water entrance. While swimming through the underwater ways, the party found an intricate carving of a winged woman who looked very similar to Hannah Jace. Jenson recalled a very unsettling childhood song warning about Rotten Sally Greenteeth while they were attempting to open her lair.
The party were able to enter into the locked door with the words "Storvak Tjorn," which translates to sea anger. Pumpkin exchanged her father's Pan Flute in exchange for her name, Aninarei. She then exchanged her Staff of the Woodlands to discover the name of Detective O'Connor's killer, Rosemary. The party then fought and killed Sally Greenteeth.
They discovered in a bookshelf: some pressed flowers, a signant ring, a medal of service, an amulet of protection, a pair of brass knuckles, an old journal, a photo of Ryan Steward, and a pair of wedding rings that Jenson recognized.

Mental characteristics


Social/Economic Status: Comfortable
Employment: Owner of the Trades and Treasures

Personality Characteristics


Core Values: Destroy Beauty



Voice: Sing-song
1537 2019 482 years old
Putrid Green
Limp, black coils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slimy grey
Aligned Organization


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