Rosemary Villosis Character in Cielo Vista | World Anvil
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Rosemary Villosis

(a.k.a. Rosie)

Before the Campaign

The childhood friend of Griffin Castle, Rosemary was close to the Castles for most of her life. She was actually with Griffin when Detective Harrison O'Connor came looking for him. He promised them both that the young man would be fine and that they just needed to ask him some questions. Rosemary was devastated when a few days later Griffin was killed in a Trial by Combat in place of his mother.

Cielo Vista Arc

After five years, she disguised herself and went to the Fae Police Headquarters to deliver a package to Detective O'Connor containing not only a dagger of Nergal but also a Glyph of Warding containing Poison Spray. Unfortunately, Pumpkin Harte was in the room with the gnomish detective and was charged with his murder.
First encountered by Pumpkin Harte in the library, Rosemary first appeared to be a shy female dryad interested in ancient history. She showed an interest in the centaur and even flirted to try to get an exchange of phone numbers.
Pumpkin continued to have contact with Rosie through an occasional text as the former looked for evidence to clear her name. The next two encounters were vastly diametrically opposed. While visiting the University, Pumpkin actually bumped into Rosie and the two bonded as the later escorted the former through the University. The two women flirted and seemed to connect. The next encounter however Rosemary infiltrated the Fae Police Headquarters with her invisible stalker to eliminate the evidence against her, up to and including obtaining the deceased detective's corpse. While Jenson and Jaime (with some hastily acquired allies) dealt with the invisible stalker, Pumpkin and Geartrude were locked outside. Geartrude searched for someway to break into the building but Pumpkin remained in the ally where she saw a female police officer walking away. Pumpkin reached out and grabbed the officer's arm but noticed what she saw did not match the arm she actually grabbed. The adventurer gave chase through the streets after the disguised Rosie who attempted to escape by using invisibility and teleportation. Finally, in desperation Rosie cast cone of cold, diverting some of it to prevent from putting Pumpkin on the brink of death, and made her escape.
Pumpkin exchanged her staff with Sally Greenteeth in order to gain the name of Detective O'Connor's murderer. The centaur was crushed to hear the name of her newly budding crush. Pumpkin arranged a coffee date at the university with the dryad to which the later eagerly agreed. Thus it was in the Fae Bucks on campus that Rosie revealed her story to Pumpkin with her friends keeping watch from afar. When Pumpkin begged for her to confess, Rosie handed over a signed and sealed confession and asked for Pumpkin to at least give her a head start.
On the day of the trail, Pumpkin spotted a familiar female officer waiting in the atrium. Not trusting the system that had already failed her, Rosie had come to make sure that her confession cleared the centaur she had developed feelings for. While Pumpkin was downstairs presenting her case, Caraway appeared with Barlow to murder the party and Rosie using an artifact he had obtained. An embittered battle for survival erupted with the party converging to fight the starspawn. Rosemary rushed forward to try and help Pumpkin in combat. However, the spellcaster was quickly overwhelmed after Pumpkin fell and perished in the battle.

Mental characteristics


Social/Economic Status: Modest
Employment: Student

Personality Characteristics


Core Values: History and Vengeance



Voice: Soft and a bit flirty
1991 2019 28 years old
Dark leafy green
Long luscious green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light green
125 lbs
Aligned Organization

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