Elizabeth "Nona" Harte Character in Cielo Vista | World Anvil
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Elizabeth "Nona" Harte

Cielo Vista Arc

Elizabeth "Nona" Harte was the sassy grandmother of Pumpkin Harte. She was most known for her tough love and sense of wit. As a former adventurer and matriarch of the Harte family, she had been an invaluable mentor for Pumpkin as Nona taught the younger centaur the basics of combat and to follow her dreams beyond the green pastures of the Harte ranch. Not much is known of the old mare's adventuring days other than the fact that she had crossed paths with Victor Castle and they were at the very least good friends, although there were hints that there could have been something more romantic between the older Fae. This was most apparent after Nona was attacked and hospitalized when Victor went to visit her multiple times. It is not exactly clear what happened to the older mare between the years 2019 - 2023 but it is clear that she passed away sometime during 2020.

Mental characteristics


Social/Economic Status: Comfortable
Employment: Former adventurer

Personality Characteristics


Core Values: Live life to its fullest



Voice: Sassy older lady
Current Location
1867 2020 153 years old
Soft grey
Long wavy grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
speckled grey fur and tan skin
Aligned Organization


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