Victor Castle Character in Cielo Vista | World Anvil
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Victor Castle

Victor Castle

Before Season 1

  Victor actually was a friend of Markus when they were young adults and they went on some adventures. Victor had a friends-with-benefits relationship with Nona which ended when she met her soon to be husband.
Victor had a relatively quiet life co-raising his son at the Junkyard. His own son was about six when Marcus came to the Junkyard and made him swear to watch after Jenson if something happened to him.
But then his ex-lover killed the Chief of Police in a one-night stand five years prior to the start of the Cielo Vista Arc. Unfortunately, she had vanished to the wind, so the family demanded a blood price.
He supplies Asphodel Meadows with the basics by gathering supplies from the more well off Under Fae.

Cielo Vista Arc

  Pumpkin and Jaime came to the Junkyard on Nona’s advice to find Victor about possible jobs to save the farm. Pumpkin gave him a map to the farm and her number. After Nona was attacked, Pumpkin called Victor and he showed up at the farm to help the Celestial Nights get the Harte Dulcimer back. After they returned victorious, Jenson pulled Victor aside and they talked about how Victor knew Markus growing up but that they had fallen out of contact until the latter had shown up at the Junkyard soon after becoming Under Fae. Victor made a Fae promise to keep an eye on Jenson if anything happened to Markus. Jenson gave Victor his number and Victor then headed out to track the people who had hurt Nona. Jenson got a text from Lea Pearson’s phone number saying “I found them” an hour or two later. The Celestial Nights tracked Victor down to the cemetery and discovered he had no recollection of what had happened after he left the farm. The next day, Victor went to visit Nona in the hospital where Nona revealed to Pumpkin that he had a “sore spot” when it comes to young men he feels responsible for.  

Unusual Aquisitions

Jaime went to the Junkyard to check on Victor to discover that it was not only now within Dark Fae territory but also that it had been renovated by the new owner Lea Pearson. She told Jaime about how Victor was heartbroken when they heard Pumpkin was dead. He gave ownership of the dive bar to Lea and disappeared. Gear and Morq came across a huge white wolf in the woods to the east of Cielo Vista that looks very similar to Victor however it did not attempt to communicate with them or change into Victor.

Personality Characteristics


Core Values: Protect the “pack”



Voice: Low, gravely

Wealth & Financial state

Social/Economic Status: Modest
Employment: Small Business Owner
Year of Birth
1598 425 Years old
Salt and Pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tan
5' 10"
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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