Nunya Business Character in Cielo Vista | World Anvil
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Nunya Business

Nunya Business

Cielo Vista Arc

  First appearing at the Sanctuary, this young goblin has major trust issues, as shown by the fact that he is only known by his aliases such as “Nunya” and “I. P.” He was the one who told Jenson about the missing Under Fae and who later guided him to Salus at the Meadows. Later, he went with Sophia to follow up on a lead regarding the strange jobs but was kidnapped despite her best efforts. The party rushed in and saved him from being murdered. Shaken after his ordeal, Nunya attempted to return to the apartment where he used to live but Pumpkin and Gear tracked him down and convinced him to come back. Since then, he has mostly stayed at the Meadows playing with Vakmu and Guthug. He has also been bonding slowly but surely with Geartrude to the point where he asked her what would happen after the trail to which she hinted that she would keep an eye out for him.  

Unusual Aquisitions Arc

While in the Primal Wilds, the party had several visions involving the Asphodel Meadows. The most earth shattering one was where the Meadows were being raided by the Fae police and Jenson saw Nunya with a severe burn on his arm. When the party returned to the Material Plane and Gear attempted to reconnect with the young boy he was angry and bitter about being abandoned again. They have yet to reconcile.

Mental characteristics


Social/Economic Status: Wretched
Employment: Unemployed

Personality Characteristics


Core Value: Survive



Voice: Punk

A young Under Fae goblin known as "Nunya" to the group. He is well connected both at Sanctuary and Asphodel Meadows.

Character Location
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Current Location
Year of Birth
2007 16 Years old
Wide, ochre
Long, ratty black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive green
92 lbs
Aligned Organization

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