Meifang Chi Character in Cielo Vista | World Anvil
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Meifang Chi (My-fang)

Cielo Vista Arc

The junior partner of the murdered Detective O'Connor, Meifang Chi had a turbulent beginnning with the party as she first came across Pumpkin Harte and Jaime Rutherford at the scene of an attempt on his life. While Pumpkin decided to go to the Fae Police Headquarters with the older detective, Jaime went with Meifang to an underground fighting ring in order to see if they could find any clues as to why O'Connor had been attacked. Although they could not find the contact, Jaime was able to infiltrate the organization by beating the Champion in a fist fight. 
The pair were able to find the secret entrance to the sewers and began exploring for clues. They met up with Jenson Jace and Geartrude Von Smokestack and joined forces to defeat the undead minataur guarding a sinister alter (there was a misunderstanding where Meifang shot Jenson because she thought he was going to harm a civilian). Thus an alliance was born.
However, it was not all smooth sailing. Throughout the investigation of who murdered Detective O'Connor, there were multiple times when the values of one or more of the party conflicted with the strong moral code of the officer. By the time the trial came around, Meifang had earned the trust of even Jenson as he told her about a Fae who had been enslaved.  

Unusual Aquisitions

Meifang and Greenwood both quit the force after it was clear that Urrakir's corruption would not allow them to follow their moral codes. Meifang is now a bounty hunter who often spends her free time hanging out in Greenwood's bar. Jenson has once again asked for her help to try and find leads about his father.

Mental characteristics


Social/Economic Status: Modest
Employment: Bounty Hunter

Personality Characteristics


Core Values: Protecting innocents and her allies



Voice: Mello

A Dark Fae police detective who was the partner of Marcus O'Connor. She has been a detective for less than a year.

View Character Profile
Current Location
Year of Birth
1993 30 Years old
Dark brown
Long, black and silky
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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