Maggie Character in Cielo Vista | World Anvil
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Maggie has been on her own since a young age. Even in the Under Fae, Maggie was feared and reviled to the point where they would throw things at her if she showed her face. Angry and alone, she wandered the city living on scraps until one day a hand reached out to her with a loaf of bread. It was Salus who was the first person to ever smile at her. From that day on, Salus brought her into the Asphodel Meadows community as a close confidante. Maggie has learned Common but cannot speak or read it. Intensely loyal to those Salus extends a hand of trust to, once that trust is broken she makes a fierce enemy.

Cielo Vista Arc

Maggie was first introduced to Geartrude and Jenson the first time they came to the Meadows regarding for the missing Under Fae. The party reluctantly let her come along with them and ever since has been a stead fast and loyal friend. She most often accompanies Gear and/or Jenson and was there during such episodes such as the search and rescue of Nunya and the fight in the library. She even was going to join in on the retrieval of the dulcimer but was called off by Jenson. She is currently learning Sign Language in order to better communicate with the party based on the suggestion from Gear who is her closest friend.  

Unusual Aquisitions Arc

While in the Primal Wilds, the party had several visions involving the Asphodel Meadows. The most earth shattering one was where the Meadows were being raided by the Fae police and Jenson saw Maggie makeing her last stand in the one room school house. She has changed her appearance to hide her extra eyes and cut her hair short. Maggie has become fluent in Sign Language and has a limited understanding of how to read and write. When reunited with the gang, Maggie was exstatic to see them still alive but decided with Jenson that they would need to see if they could still work (it has been 4 years since she last saw him after all). As Salus has gotten weaker, Maggie has taken up more responsibilities around the Meadows.

Mental characteristics


Social/Economic Status: Wretched
Employment: Unemployment/second in command at the Asphodel Meadows

Personality Characteristics


Core Values: Support Salus and her new friends



Voice: Sign Language

Maggie is the spider woman who helped Jenson and Geartrude to find the missing Under Fae under the city. After joining in on several adventures, she became Jenson's girlfriend.

Character Location
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Current Location
Year of Birth
1997 26 Years old
Warm black eyes
Long, straight black hair
Aligned Organization

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