Chronicles of unsu History of Unsu Timeline
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History of Unsu

This is the main timeline of the world of Unsu

The Ancient Empire Era

1000 TA 1 TA

  • 1000 TA

    The Rise of the Ancient Empire

    1000 years before the ancients fell they came to this world from different dimensions. They were brought together with the aid of a man known as the timeless one. He aided them in building the groundwork of their empire. He also showed them the secrets of the world of Unsu and the Pathway between worlds.

  • 900 TA

    The Deal
    Diplomatic action

    100 years after the rise of the ancients they needed to expand their knowledge of the mysterious energy of this dimension that was so different from their own. They made contact with a great dragon who they talked into aiding her in creating offspring for. Taking the blood of the dragon and using the technology they developed from the knowledge of their own dimensions and the timeless one, they were able to create the Dagon who would become the children of that dragon. In doing so they gained the secrets of the essence and began to advance their knowledge on it.

  • 800 TA

    The Expansion
    Military action

    With time they were finally able to master essence with the creations of many artifacts. Using these they found a way to travel to different worlds that existed in this dimension. The first world they came upon they were seen as gods which they happily accepted. They enslaved this race and used them for manual labor and cannon fodder. They took many of the animals from the world and began experimenting with them in order to create unique races that would serve them. They created the beast races who proudly served their creators.

  • 600 TA

    The First Descendent
    Scientific achievement

    After a long time the ancients grew bored with their creations and decided to create something that could possibly be a successor. The created the Volza who were powerful warriors. They even crafted powerful armor and weapons for them. They were true warriors with an insatiable blood lust. They eventually became the main force of the empire army as they continued to take over worlds.

  • 500 TA

    The Second Descendent
    Scientific achievement

    The Second descendent were the Andelics. They were made to look somewhat angelic with the ability to fly with the wings that grew from their backs. They were much calmer than the Volza and were used as protectors and keepers of the peace. They were used to bring the moral of many of their conquered worlds up so that they would better accept their leaders.

  • 400 TA

    The Third and Fourth Descendent
    Scientific achievement

    Third and fourth descendent were created at the same time. Based on their previous creations and their research on essence. They were created to control and manipulate the two sides of essence. The primal side which had strong connection to animals and the spiritual side which had strong connection with elementals. Through this they created what would be their perfect races.

  • 200 TA

    The Corruption of The Ancients

    The Ancients realized that they didn’t have long to live as they had been growing weaker since their departure from their home dimensions. They tried to create artifacts that would convert essence into the different energies that would sustained them. In order to use them they attached them to some of their descendent races as each had some of their blood in them. Through many failed experiments they finally created seven successful artifacts that would sustain them and even enhance them.

  • 100 TA

    The War of the Ancients
    Military action

    Through the growing desire for power the ancients turned on each other and began to war with one another. It was a great and devastating war that only ended in their own demise. No one knows fully what took place but only the ruins and leftover artifacts were left over. Also the gateways that once connected the worlds were severed and were no longer usable.

The Era of Peace

0 TA 100 AF

  • 1

    The Fall of the Ancients

    The end of the ancients and the beginning of a new era

  • 3

    The Fellowship creates the first Nations of the New Era

    Not long after the fall of the ancients the fellowship completed the next stage of their great work. Creating the settlements their races needed to survive. Some even using the relic and technology left by the ancients to provide themselves the perfect environment for their people.

  • 10

    The Nations grow in economic Power
    Financial Event

    [ltr]With hard work and resources, the nations developed further able to survive and begin trade with each other. The time of struggle was over.[/ltr]

  • 15

    The Cultral Foundation
    Cultural event

    The nations being able to survive and provide for themselves move to build purpose beyond the need for survival. With no need for a military, militia 's were formed to protect their lands from beasts. With their gods dead they began their search for something to believe in. Some choosing to embrace technology like the Volza or fear it like the Deminor. With some like the Presari using it out of necessity.   Art and stories began to fill these nations as they recalled the heroes who died and to have them be remembered forever. Turning the things they suffered into symbols to continue forward while putting it all together to establish a new way forward.

  • 45

    The end of the Fellowship

    The Heroes of the fellowship would eventually fade as their time on unsu would run out. When the last member faded the fellowship that maintained the peace of the western continent would come to an end.