The Tale of the Fenrian's Ancestors Prose in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Tale of the Fenrian's Ancestors

Once there was a great wolf, the greatest wolf that could ever be. One that kept growing and growing. Eventually, the wolf grew so big that it could knock over mountains. It is around this time that the gods noticed the wolf and saw it as a threat to their rule as people began to worship it. The gods sent many warriors to do battle with it and each one fed the beast for a day. Then the mighty leader of the gods came to do battle and was felled by this great beast.   This stirred the desire of vengeance in one of the leader's sons who went to do battle with this beast. The beast was nearly brought low by this god but saw an opening that would free it from its fate. It let out a mighty howl that fellow wolves came to its aid. The wolves from all around became horde that attacked this god and aided the great wolf in ridding the god from existence.   We fenrians descend from the horde that answered and was gifted with great power. We are the horde that will slay any god before us. Especially those who would do our race harm. Even if we have to wait for the right moment to strike,

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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