The Seven Chains of Banishment Tradition / Ritual in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Seven Chains of Banishment

The Seven Chains of Banishment is a special seal used to disable deminor's connection to their primal spirit. This seal was designed as a way to punish those who have been labled traitors. They do this by locking up the pact mark and making it impossible to summon forth their spirits power. It also causes pain if the user tries to use any form of magic. I've also heard that those who have this seal eventually die from a failing body because of how dependent deminor are on their manipulation of essence. -Ace Cardia


The seven chains of banishment were created for the first true traitor of the deminor. A man who sided with the Volza and sold out his fellow warriors for his own survival. To create the seal they took the seven chains of truth and altered it to lock up the essence of the one who has it put on them. This had caused the suffering of many traitors as they would never be able to use or replenish their essence stores.


After the traitor is judged by the council of shamans they are held against their will so that their back can be exposed to the seal master. A special concoction made of zidian sap and other things is poured on the traitors back. Then the seal master manipulates the concoction to surge through their body and skin to coat the area around their primal mark.   In the spirit plane, the primal spirit is bound by astral chains that keep it sealed inside the traitor. The seal is completed when seven chains appear as tattoos on the traitor's back. The traitor is then given the traitor's brand on their left land before given to rest before being forced out of deminor territories.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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