The Realm of the Fallen Geographic Location in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Realm of the Fallen

The Realms of the fallen is the place where all who die will call home. A vast nothingness filled with mist fills this realm where the dead slowly build the land they will serve out their time from their beliefs. The world-building from the dreams and nightmares of those who will call it home from across all realms. A place the great reaper calls home and has his creations watch over the souls that have to work off their time.   Many floating landmasses fill the mist from the countless realms, worlds and beliefs that the living bring with them.


A bunch of floating land masses that fill a vast mist filled void. Each land mass taking a form similar to the lands the fallen once called home. Though twisted as nothing alive can truly grow here.

Fauna & Flora

Creatures of the Fallen:



The reapers are both master and slave. Created from a the soul of the great Reaper they are tasked with watching over the souls of the fallen. Each reaper takes a form similar to those they govern over. Even though they have the ability to take other forms they rarely do.  

Mist Walkers:

  Mist walkers are creatures capable of traversing the mist without going mad. These creatures traverse the mist seeking nothing other than to traverse it. Many have found ways of using these creatures to reach other land masses though they have to enter the creature and be ok with the decaying smell that fills its insides.  


Vuls are flying creatures that feed on lost souls. Any soul who begins to go mad or lose their way will be easy pickings for these creatures. Though when they get hungry enough their even risk attacking a strong soul just to fill its belly.
Dimensional plane

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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