The Hunting Ground Geographic Location in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Hunting Ground

I once heard about the hunting ground from a fenrian I did a job with once. He told me that it was a beautiful and harsh land. A place where all manner of beasts fight for survival as there is always something bigger. The Fenrians call this home and find great pride in slaying some of the most dangerous creatures of the region. I told me one special beast is the horned wolf. A savage beast capable of tearing you apart with its claws and the horns on their head. That these horns can shoot out electricity and paralyze their prey.   Now I'm not sure if he was lying to me, but I have seen some strange creatures along with my adventures. Many of which held mysterious powers. So I doubt the possibility of such a creature. -Ace Cardia


A large area filled with trees and open fields. A place that feels all kinds of weather over the seasons, with its winters being rather dangerous. There are mountains throughout that have massive caves inside them that can even lead somewhat deep into the earth.

Fauna & Flora

Many kinds of trees cover the land with a large beast that roams and fight anything it deems as food or a threat.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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