The Great Dragon Mother Species in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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The Great Dragon Mother

The Great Dragon Mother is the mother to the Dagon and one of the old breed of dragons. She had lived long before the ancient ones walked on Unsu. She is even believed to be one of the first creatures to soar through the sky. Now she slumbers deep in a mountain protected by her children. Only stirring once and awhile spreading her knowledge to her children.   I once spoke to a Dagon who revealed her as a goddess. The most important thing in the universe to him. That every day he breaths is a gift from the great mother. It must be great to have something to reveal, sadly never had anything like that. -Ace Cardia

Basic Information


Two back legs and two forward legs that can act like hands. Two large wings that he can cover around himself. Scales cover most of her body and large talons as fingers.

Civilization and Culture


The Great Mother Dragon has lived a long time and it's beginning can be traced to the first dragon breeds who ended up cursed for their dark nature. Leaving her as the last of her breed. She would later meet the ancient ones and make a deal with them in order to have children in the form of the Dagon race.
Scientific Name

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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