Summer Pledge 2023 in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Summer Pledge 2023

  I plan to further develop Chronicles of Unsu and Legacy of Unsu by doing all 31 prompts over the course of the month. One of my Main goals is to incorporate 3d characters and environments I can make using my art programs.  



Theme 1: Power


Chronicles of Unsu Powerful Organizations:

  There are a number of powerful Organizations and and nations that make up my worlds. Many of the main conflict of my world is these organizations taking actions against each other causing problems for those below.  
  • The Great Shamans:
  • The Nobles of Salire:
  • The Sin Hunters:
  • The Imperial Council:
  • The Beast Clan Alliance
  • The Presari Empire
  • The Lazari:
  • The Volzian Army:

Chronicles of Unsu Powerful People:

Powerful people in the world tend to carry raw power, influence, wealth, or control over others. Leaders of men or those seen as the symbol of strength. These individuals set the course of the world through their actions. Some can be noble while most are rather selfish in their actions. All define the rules of the world no matter which land they call home. They are the forces of nature that forge the path of the world. Though know even the meek can reveal themselves as strong.  
  • Dhaigham ov Niolota:
  • Nita ov Raeblen:
  • Dennis Hargreve

Theme 2: Frontier

  Frontiers are an important part of the setting as it represents the places for new beginnings and possible adventures. From the Frozen Waste to the Western Lands, there are many places that are still untamed by civilization and some will fight to maintain that. Some go their for freedom, some for adventure, some desire the resources that could make them rich. From gold to new groves of Zidian trees. Ruins left by ancient civilization that holds lost technology that could make someone rich or even dead.  
  • Frozen Waste
  • The Western Lands
  • The Hunting Ground

Theme 3: Relics

  Relics are important in the world of Unsu. They are either seen as valuable commodities, precious symbols or powerful lost objects. Relics can ranged from ancient art, weapons, magical runes, or lost tech. Every group our person would die to get their hands on a lost relic as it has the chance to change someones fate. Allowing the poor to get rich and the rich to get richer.  
  • The Forsaken Eye
  • A Statue of the Lord of Order
  • The Tapestry of the Brothers

Theme 4: Communication

    Communication is rather useful in an ever expanding world. From the Messenger birds used by the great shamans, letters sent by mail using a post service, or mystical devices that allow users to talk across long distances. There are many a way to communicate to those you wish to stay in contact with.  
  • Messenger Birds
  • Mail
  • Comm Spheres

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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Jul 5, 2023 13:01 by Sailing Ocelot

Ahoy! Best of luck with your diamond goals. Your pledge article makes me curious to learn more about you 3D art! Now that the bronze prompts have been released, do you have a favourite prompt? I feel the fact that you have several powerful organisations could be particularly helpful..

~~~~~~~~ SailingOcelot