Slor Akeredronge Species in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Slor Akeredronge

I remember when the tale of Slor Akeredronge was told long before such creatures were proven to exist. Plant like creatures that bring ruin to those who dare harm nature itself. A weird mutation of man and plant that has a strong disdain for civilization.   How quickly that stories and myths become truth when you dare to dabble in things that are said to be forbidden. -The Story Teller
    Slor Akeredronge is the name given to the plant creatures that have been found near the volzian ruin of Jentmil Ig. These creatures once considered a myth or a fantasy are highly aggresive toward anyone foolish enough to get to close. The intresting thing is that they simply showed up one day as the old ruin was empty of such creatures or of any sign of life.   Which has some people worried if they are some wandering creatures that call the under waste home or some volzian experiment that was set up to entrap anyone foolish enough to go near the place. So far no one is sure what these creatures are and what they are fully capable of.

Basic Information


It is a plant like creature that sometimes has a humanoid form. Though many seem like regular plants until they strike. It is possible these plants have the capability to grow and mimic what they eat in order to better entrap the creatures they feed upon.

Ecology and Habitats

Currently they are found in the under waste near the old volzian ruin. Though some believe they may come from the great roots of the zidian trees that run deep through the under waste. No one has so far proven anything as these creatures stop any form of investigation into their origin so far.

Dietary Needs and Habits

No one knows if they depend on the meat of other creatures or if they survive like some other plants through absorbing nuttrition from the earth.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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