Prompt 8: Slang and Curses of Salire Language in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Prompt 8: Slang and Curses of Salire

The slang's and curses of the city of salire is hodgepodge of terms from the diffrent tribes that made up the city and the importance of honnest work is in society. This has made terms based on your place in life as a way to be derogatory.   Common Words:   Leech:   A Leech is anyone who doesn't work within the system of Salire. Be it someone who is jobless are someone taking odd jobs without an offical contact or license. This is commonly used against the downtroden and criminal element of Salire which are seen as equal problems.   Blighters:   Blighters is a term used against anyone who has magic blight. Seen as something freakish and dangerous. This has lead to many who have become unlucky to be tainted by essense to stay in the shadows if possible.   Blight Lovers:   A term used for anyone daring to protect or help a blighter.   High Bloods:   A term used by slum born and criminals when they talk about the nobles.   Freelancer:   A term and occupation for those who work with out official contracts. Considered illegal by the nobles as all must have an official contract to work in a given field or profession. Freelancers are common in the slums of salire who do odd jobs and some illegal work as well.   Ice Lickers:   A term used for some of the people who live out in the frozen waste. Sometime used for the miners who work out there. Because of the lack of water many people out in the frozen waste have to survive from licking ice. Though some have been unlucky and had their tung stuck.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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