Prompt 5: Vasdin Ethnicity in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prompt 5: Vasdin

The Vasdin are a people who lived to honor the spirits that protect them. One of the few human tribes to still have ways of harnessing magic. Using special tonics they can empower themselves with magic. The these tonics were connected to colors that also were used to represent things important to them.   They also believed to have the secret to curing most ailments with a special tonic that could even resist the effects of blights.     Colors of the Vasdin:   Red:   Red is associated with blood and life. Mane of the healers are known for their red garbs and the redish potion they use to heal others.     Blue:   Blue is associated with freedom. Many of their traders will where blue as they think it protects them along their journeys. Blue represent the air and the glowing sap of the zidian trees.     Green:   Green represents grass and nature. Many farmers where green and anything associated with plants tend to be colored green.     White:   White is a color of death for the Vasdin. The white represent the bones of their ancestors and how in thew end their bones will join the others in the sacred lands. Many of their most deadly potions or chemicals are marked with white.     Black:   Black is protection. It is worn by their guards of the Vasdin and placed around places that are protected from outside forces.


Average technological level

They used more primal or tribal tools and technology. They feared most technology as it was used by the tainted Lazari and fell magic is better at achieving their goals.


Courtship Ideals

They take care in impressing their intended. Trying to prove themselves with either creating something that symbolizes their love or taking on a feat to prove their devotion.

Relationship Ideals

They believe that each Vasdin is born with half a soul and that finding the right person to be their other half. Most Vasdin will not be long for this world if their other half has already left it.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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