Prompt 4: The Balance of Order Document in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prompt 4: The Balance of Order

The Balance of Order is the book of balance followed by the Presari. it is based on the Balance of Spirits book that were the teachings of the two heroic brothers. The Balance of Order is mostly based on the teachings of Zavian and how he believed that through control of oneself that they can truly control the power gifted by the great mother.   That through order, one can tame the most dangerous of places by manipulating the elements themselves. This has been proven in how they tamed the frozen waste and made pockets of paradise. Though it was also these teachings that aided the Presari to become an empire and move to spread their teachings to all even those who had no desire to learn.


It was created to contain the teachings of Zavian that he gave to the presari. His students transcribed it to paper so that it could never be lost. This way the future presari would understand how the power of elemental magic can be tamed.

Document Structure


The Tale of the Great Spirit   The Elements of the World   The Elemental Self   The way of Order


The Balance of Chaos

Publication Status

A revised version of the book is taught and given to young presari who begin their training in harnessing the elements.

Historical Details


It shows the teachings of Zavian and what he learned from the great spirit. it also tells how he mastered his power over the years and the philosophy he developed as a counter to his brother Talion.


The document sets up the path to how the Presari tamed the elements in he frozen waste to create the valleys they would call home and how they would grow into an empire in the future.


It is sacred to the presari as it is the teaching of the hero who brought freedom to their people. It also is the key to mastering their magic which has allowed them to become a force in their own right.
Manuscript, Religious

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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