Prompt 3: The Battle of Vasil Military Conflict in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prompt 3: The Battle of Vasil

Vasil was once a peaceful village where the tribe of the Vasdin lived one with the spirits of the land. When the People of Salire came to the village they came in the name of peace. They shared food and stories of each ot their histories. Sadly the intentions of the Salirians were dark as they sought the secrets of the magic the Vasdin commanded.   So when the Vasdin slept they attacked killing their leaders and subjugating the rest. Those who fought stood no chance at the superior numbers of the Salirians. Leaving those who escaped with no place to go back to.

The Conflict


The nobles of salire sought the secrets of the old magic as a means to cure the blight and harness the power for themselves. So they infiltrated the village to learn thier secrets and seek answers. When they thought the Vasdin had what they wanted they made plans to take it by force.


A couple squads of mercs and expedition security forces moved onto the defenseless village while they slumbered.


The village became a battlefield where they didn't have a chance to mount a defense as their protectors were the first to be slayed.


They Nobles of Salire devastated the Vasdin people and claimed the secrets they held on medicine and magic. Taking these secrets back to Salire to create new medicines to combat things like the blight.


They planted a seed of fear and distrust amongst the few villages of Vasdin's left. They also made many other tribes see them as a danger and threat which lead to some outright attacking settlers who got near their territories.
Conflict Type

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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