Prompt 25: Glink Species in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prompt 25: Glink

Glinks are mechanized creatures belived to be some form of steel golem. These creatures are small in size, but are capable of being customized. What makes a Glinks is it's mental core that allows it to overide other golem based tech. A glink is primarily a memory core, though can be found in custom bodies around the city. Mostly used by nobles and the rich as getting your hand on a core and the custom bodies can be hard.   Though some more scrap based Glinks have been found in the slums. Mostly using discarded memory cores.   What is known is that Glinks can bond with an indvidual and will serve that individual to the indviduals death. Only passing to others if the user decides to give them to another. This is common among the nobles who may pass the same Glink to younger members.   The inteligence of a Glink depends on how it's memory core was built and how long its been active to learn things. It has a slow learning process that can take years.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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