Prompt 22: The Sapphire Queen Character in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prompt 22: The Sapphire Queen

The Sapphire queen watches over the entire sapphire district from her office atop her palace. Though her sight goes beyond the border and reaches the very heart of the city. All that taints this city connects back to her palace. Her reach growing day by day. Anyone who tries to win big in her palace is a potential employee or tool to further her goal.   What is that goal you ask. Well to be queen of both shadows and the light. Though she will settle for a seat at the table amongst the nobles, never forget that she wants the entire city for her self. - An old reporter
    The Sapphire Queen is a powerful crime boss who runs the Sapphire palace and all the Sapphire District. A powerful woman who loves to trap people in deals and contracts over the debt owed to her. Using her Casino to reel people in who's luck doesn't hold out. Either turning them into workers at her palace or her criminal organization.   She can be blood thirsty to anyone who tries to stand in her way and is prone to harm those who fail her. While she doesn't have problems using her charms to manipulate those who she still have a use for.   The City Guard has ideas of her illegal operations even as they tend to not make trouble for her. Some believe someone in the noble families has a debt with her or that she sometimes does jobs for them that makes them look the other way. Even a few think it's because some of the younger members have a tendency of spending time in her palace.   One possibility is that because she is seen as one of the most powerful crime bosses in the city, she has the ability to maintain the order amongst the other gangs and organizations in the city. Though if she were to ever show weakness, many would be going for her head.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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