Prompt 17: The Varlian Market Settlement in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Prompt 17: The Varlian Market

The Varlian Market is one of the major markets setup in the city of Salire. Here all kinds of goods are sold from the mines and farms of Salire. Thanks to the expeditions to the western lands some of the treasures of the Lazari and Volza have shown up in the market.   Many guest come to the market to get a true taste of the goods and food the city has to offer. Their are even special days where the whole market celebrate the holidays.

Industry & Trade

Thanks to the goods that come in from expiditions the market can sell exotic goods to people all around the City of Salire. It also gets some presari from other cities hoping to pick up something from the western lands.


The market was established after the end of the last war. Once the first expedition came back with goods from the western lands, they needed a way to sell it all. So a business man came up with the market and even flipped the bill in getting it started. Opening it up to the goods coming in and the craftsmen of the city. Any and all can get a chance to sell their goods here if they quality of the products are worth it.
Trade post

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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