Prompt 16: Frost Stinger Species in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
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Prompt 16: Frost Stinger

Frost Stinger is a strange insect that can be found in the frozen waste. Capable of surviving in the extreme cold these creatures are said to drain the heat of other creatures. This is mostly because any creature stung by this insect begins to freeze til they are frozen stiff. Not much is known about their orgins but some belive they have connection with Grezi Hallow.

Basic Information


A six legged insect capable of flight. These creatures are rather large and have a sharp stinger for a tail. While not the most durable as a good swing of a pitchfork can down one of these things, their stinger is made of a more durable material.

Genetics and Reproduction

A queen Ice Stinger can lay a nest full of eggs during its birthing period that can last a week. They are then able to enter this period again a month later after bulking up on food and heat.

Growth Rate & Stages

It takes about a week for an Ice Stinger to reach full size once hatched. Starting from a larval stage they rapidly morph in to a smaller version of their adult form. They will periodically shed their skin in order to grow bigger as they feed more and more.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It see's by heat and will seek this heat out in order to sting it and then drain the fluids of the creature once it can't escape.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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