Prompt 15: Grezi Hallow Building / Landmark in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prompt 15: Grezi Hallow

The Grezi Hallow was once an old base used by the Lazari. Just before the fall it was left abandoned by the Lazari for some reason. When it was first rediscovered many thought it was left behind because of the war pushing them to defend more vital locations. When the first explorers never came back it was believed something dangerous was roaming its halls.   What is known is that the ice has reclaimed the ruin and their have been sightings of strange creatures near it. Not else is known or at least its being kept secret.

Purpose / Function

What People Believe it was for?   Many believe that it was a base used by the Lazari before the war. Back when all the continent was under Lazari control. Having some connection with the spirit generator that is currently used by the people of Salire.     What Secrets it hides?   The creatures that are rumored to be near the ruins may possibly have been made at the base. Either as some new type of golem or something more biological.


It a Building of metal that may be built not just above ground but below it as well. It caries some or the ornate design common among things built by the lord of order. Giving it a look of a golden palace being consumed by the ice and snow.


While no one knows what it was before it was rediscovered they do know the stories and events associated with it now. Two expeditions went out to explore this ruin. With non ever coming back. This only means that something is active there, be it traps, golems, or something far worse.   What is known is that not even the nobles find it worthy to risk anymore resources to uncover what secrets laid buried inside.
Military base / complex

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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