Prompt 12: The Shadows of Salire Organization in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prompt 12: The Shadows of Salire

The Shadows of Salire are a secret group ran my the lord of shadow. This group is in control of the diffrent gangs of Salire and keeps them from doing anything that would make the nobles stomp out all the gangs from the city. They also handle dealings with the nobles who may want to get their hand on things that they don't want the other families knowing.   This group is a recent group that formed only a few years ago. No one knows how the shadows were formed and how they gained control of the gangs and influence over the nobles. What does matter is that they have become a major power in the city.


The Leader:   One person controls the whole group and charts the course of the organization. While they don't demand much they to demand loyalty beyond anything.   The Shadows:   The Shadows are the other members of the organization. Who they are is unknown, but they are believed to be individuals across the gangs, business and maybe even some noble houses. What is common is that they tend to operate alone and only meet up to give progress reports or ask favors.   The Representatives:   The only part of the organization that has a face. These indiduals acts as the stand ins for the shadows. Working to balance the influences of the gangs and nobles of Salire.

Public Agenda

They exist to bring order to the city by any means. The Mainly operate as a go between and check on the operations of the different groups at play in the city.


They came suddenly when the city was close to tearing its self apart from the growing tension between the gangs and the nobles. They brought a solution and made an action that put the different groups at play in their place. Only allowing things to continue as it would only leave a vacum.   How an unknown group swooped in to make the nobles even bend a knee. Only those involved would know and they aren't speaking.
Illicit, Syndicate
Alternative Names
The Lords of the Shadows

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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