Prompt 11: The Vasdin Tale of Creation Myth in Chronicles of Unsu | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Prompt 11: The Vasdin Tale of Creation

The tale of the origin of life and magic is one of many tales trying to explain how the world of unsu came to be long before the Lazri came here. One such tribe speaks of a great mother who had a power over nature. That she sought to bring life across all realms of reality. That when she finished her quest she decided to create a place all her own. So she chose the most barren of places to begin creating something new.   That she used all her power to create powerful creatures infused with the powers of nature. Who would aid in keeping the power of life flowing. When she finished her last work she felt saddened because she lacked a purpose. As she sat and saw her creations live she felt saddened as these creatures lived with a purpose she lacked.   It was then she decided that she would become just like them, but in order for that to happen she would have to sacrifice the power she welded. So she decided to form a tree around her that would drain her of her magic. In doing so she would die, but be reborn as one of the many creatures that existed.


The Being from the Otherside:   They believe this being came from the otherside similar to the Lazari. The difference is that they believe this being came from the source of everything and was one who saw the tapestry of creation. That with this knowledge this being new the secrets of creating life.   The Sacrifice:   The Sacrifice of blood is the key to life as one must give some of one self to create another. Same as with when a child is concived and born. Their is a sacrifce or some of what made you. To create all the life on the world this being paid a heavier price that cost them their life. Though the power this being held can be seen in the blood of her children.   The Worship:   The Story of creation defines the core of what a Vasdin is. They worship the blood that flows through them and all living things. They feel blood isn't something to be wasted as it is the power of magic. They also belive that one day the being that brought them life will be reborn in the blood of her children first as a mortal and will rise back to her immortal status.

Cultural Reception

To the Vasdin it is everything. To the nobles of Salire its just a stupid story from a primitive people. Many of the beast clans have similar beliefs though the importance of blood is rather different.

In Literature

The Vasdin have written poems and stories on the bringer of life. Some even writing about the beauty of the world she left for them.

In Art

The Vasdin have depicted art of the creation of life through out their history. Making wall paintings, creating totems, and sculpting statues to show case their devoition and belife in this beings sacrifce.

Cover image: Chronciles Title by Michael Blue


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